Our licensed Trademark Attorneys in BURUNDI will handle your trademark request, check all formalities, and then file with the Patent and Trademark Office. You will receive confirmation of filing and a copy of the filing request. We will contact you immediately if any subsequent office actions require additional information, or if there are any opposition in Burundi against your application.
Trademark Search
- Before applying for the registration of a trade mark in Burundi, our Trademark Attorney do conduct trademark search to find out whether the trademark is registrable or not and also whether there exists in the records a trademark which could be confused with the intended trade mark.
- Search is not mandatory in BURUNDI but is advisable for the following two reasons;
- It will help one in determining whether the application has a chance for success, or whether it would be a waste of time and money to try and register it in its present form.
- It will also help one avoid trade-mark infringement and potential lawsuits if one went straight ahead in applying for registration.
Trademark Application Requirements
- List of goods or services intended to be protected
- The name, physical address of the applicant; if the applicant is an individual person, a copy of his valid passport is required
- List of class
- Copy of a mark in jpg format
- If the applicant is a foreign company or a foreigner; a Power of Attorney to an agent (Advocate of High Court) will be required
- Priority application number, country and date, if any
- Certificate copy of priority document.
Other Relevant Information
- Trademarks in Burundi are categorized in accordance with the International Classification of Goods and Services under the Nice Classification;
- Multi-class applications are prohibited, separate classification of goods for which the trademark is to be registered, shall be filed by separate application;
- Applications for Trademark registration are subject to examination and the same is done within 30 days from the date of filling the application.
- The total time from filing to registration is approximately 3 months. Trademark applications are examined for compliance with formal and substantive requirements and are published in the official gazette after registration.
- Trademarks may be opposed after acceptance, within 30 days from the date of Publication.
- The Trademark registration and protection lasts for 10 years from the filing date.
- The Trademark registration is renewable indefinitely for periods of 10 years. Renewal application can be made within 6 months before expiry and upon payment of renewal fee.
- The Trademark will become vulnerable to cancellation actions based on lack of use, if it goes unused for more than three years (3) after registration of the trademark.
For assistance and advice regarding trade mark protection and IP strategy in NIGERIA, email info@alinlawacare.co.tz WhatsApp: +255753610909