Trademark Registration Services in Uganda
Our licensed Trademark Attorneys in UGANDA will handle your trademark request, check all formalities, and then file with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau. You will receive confirmation of filing and a copy of the filing request. We will contact you immediately if any subsequent office actions require additional information, or if there are any opposition in UGANDA against your application.
Trademark Search
In Uganda, trademark search is mandatory. A person who intends to apply for the registration of a trademark shall carry out a search to ascertain whether the trademark exists in the register upon payment of a prescribed fee.
Trademark Application Requirements
To file your application, our attorney will need the following particulars/documents:
- List of goods or services intended to be protected
- The name, physical address of the applicant; if the applicant is an individual person, a copy of his valid passport is required
- List of class
- Copy of a mark in jpg format
- If the applicant is a foreign company or a foreigner; a Power of Attorney or Form of Authorization (TM NO. 1) to an agent (Advocate of High Court) will be required
- Priority application number, country and date, if any
- Certificate copy of priority document
Other Relevant Information
- After the application is filed, it will undergo examination by the Registrar to determine if it is capable of distinguishing the goods or services from others and whether use of the trademark is likely to cause confusion
- If accepted, the application will be advertised in the Official Government Gazette for 60 days
- If there is no opposition after the expiration of 60 days of the advertisement in the gazette, the Registrar shall upon payment of the prescribed fee by the applicant enter the trademark in the register and issue a certificate of Registration
- Renewal of a trademark should be made no more than three months before its expiry
- The initial registration term for a locally registered trademark in Uganda is seven (7) years starting from the date on which it was filed. Subsequent renewal periods are for ten (10) years
- If you register a combined trademark (which includes both word elements and figurative elements) in Uganda, the exclusive right to use the trademark is limited to a use of the trademark in the exact configuration or way in which it was filed and registered
- If you wish to use the word element of your trademark separately from the logo (or vice versa), it is recommended you register for another trademark including only the word or figurative elements you wish to use and protect separately
For assistance and advice regarding trade mark protection and IP strategy in NIGERIA, email WhatsApp: +255753610909